Sexuality & Voting


A heart-filled thank you goes out to Elizabeth Williams for collaborating with me on this video. Do have a look and understand its content and the points raised.


Feel free to check out Elizabeth’s page at the link below:

Interview with Sohan Badall aka ‘Sheila”



As Leston and I waited for our guest to arrive and begin our interview session, we had a wonderful chatter about lifestyles and choices people make. It wasn’t long before this vibrant young man came strolling in to meet with us. He walked over with style and grace. This young man is none other than Sohan Badall. For those who do not know Sohan, he is very active in the entertainment business as it pertains to cross-dressing and performances. He is one of the very few who has openly embraced his talent and isn’t ashamed to show the world his creativity. He is also the director of the ‘Miss Global International Trinidad & Tobago for the past four years. In the day; Sohan can be seen as the normal ‘man on the street’, going about his daily routine, working his 9 – 5 and living his life. Those not knowing him personally would never guess he’s the same person who transforms himself into ‘Shelia’, (his stage name) at their favourite events, carnival & chutney fetes, as well as private weddings. He is also busy overseeing his models for pageants and other competitions. We were indeed privileged to get some interview time with him, as he is known for having a very hectic schedule.

Sohan informed Leston and I that he never planned to be a cross-dresser. Actually; he was invited to accompany a Tassa group to an event, which he had no problem with. However; on reaching the event, the group handed him a woman’s outfit to dress in. Of course Sohan would have none of it as he told them ‘No Way! I’m not doing that’. However; the group informed him of the price he would be paid, just to wear the outfit for roughly 10mins. Although still nervous, after hearing the price, Sohan was in the dress and ready to perform. It was then and there, that Sohan started his career in the cross-dressing entertainer business. Though many may have mixed feelings pertaining to the idea of dressing like a woman, Sohan has overcome his. Leston and I were also privileged to be the first to learn that Sohan also has a book coming out entitled “Dancing to your own beat”. It tells of his life as an entertainer, his art-form of dancing and an insight to who ‘Sohan the individual’ is. While we continued speaking with him, Sohan had to juggle being interviewed, accepting calls from designers, as well as ensuring his model (Semoy, who is a contestant in the Miss Common Wealth Pageant) get in contact with their sponsors. He also has a couple of newspaper interviews coming up as a few journalists are eager to do a spread on him. Soon to come, he will be launching his own fashion line called ‘Sohan Signature Creations.’ I must say hats off to Sohan, he is happy, his family and friends embraces him and the people that matter respects his craft.  For those wanting to assist Sohan and his models, you are free to contact him at 374-5885 (Cell) or Email at




 Camille Carylanne Hunte and i collaborated to do interviews with some of our fellow schoolmates, to hear their views on LGBT and their rights. It was a pleasure working together with her and the rest of the COSTAATT students.





By: Khrystyne Sampson



Yes!  That’s what we all are.

You think I am lying?

You over there,

Giving your girl a second look, thinking no one is seeing you.

Emotions jolted by unknown strangers passing,

So much that you could not help staring;

Staring at her swag, her walk, her aura.


But then you stop yourself and over think it.

“I am not a lesbian, I don’t like girls”

Not you’re just Bi-curious.


Thoughts racing though your head,

no one really know where your thoughts lie.

He is so strong; I wish I can be like him,

he does everything right, or so you think.


But then you stop yourself and over think it

“I am not Gay, I don’t like men”

No you’re just Bi-curious.


Bi-curious I say…

You’re straight but your interest is peaked

by the presence of the similarity of their sex.

Don’t be afraid its normal

You should know that it happens.

So stop over thinking it.

You are not Bi-sexual!

You are Bi-curious!

This was a wonderful collaboration done by Khrystyne Sampson and myself. Khrystne had this wonderful piece of poetry she wanted to share on the blog. We came together and magic happened. I want to say a heart-filled thank you to her. To view Khrystyne’s blog, click on the link below



This story is a collaboration of myself, Nicholas Ramcharan and Akeme Clarke-Abdulla.

Looking at the impact gays and lesbians have made in today’s society, it is really a step in the direction of accepting the choices many make.  My colleague Akeme Clarke-Abdullah, Nicholas Ramcharan and I decided on zeroing-in on one such individual, who has really stamped their mark in Trinidad, proving that they can be a force to be reckoned with, no matter their sexual orientation.  Though birthed as a male, Jowelle now goes by the name of Mrs. Jowelle De Souza, a lovely person who defied all odds and storms which came her way. Making a bold step, of not only choosing to love and be with someone of the same sex; he was the first Trinidadian to take a total sex change, going under the knife transforming himself to have the features of a female.

Jowelle did not only come under heavy scrutiny and criticism from nationals of T&T, but was ridiculed and laughed at when on the streets. Though much negative comments were targeted to Jowelle, it saw her taking everything in strides, to becoming the success she is today. Known for being an animal rights activist, she has a big heart, caring for abandoned and stray dogs, and hoping that people would become more educated on dealing with animals that are sick, and not abandon them on the wayside. She was interviewed on numerous occasions on national television, encouraging people to be more caring and show compassion for the animals. Not only this, but Jowelle is a well known hairstylist, located on Independence Avenue, San Fernando. You can see her newly renovated building, decorated in bright beautiful colours and lots of flair when driving by. Her work is immaculate and speaks for itself, proving to others that anything is possible once you put your mind to it, while fusing it with lots of passion. Jowelle’s clientele consist of prominent ministers, business women and men, doctors, as well as any individual wanting to get that fresh new modern style for their weddings, graduation, dinners, parties etc. A very hard worker, Jowelle arrives early to ensure she is able to facilitate her clients who want an early appointment and leaves late for the ones who can only make it after work. Jowelle’s work ethics show, that sexual preference has nothing to do with becoming a successful entrepreneur; it’s all about hard work, dedication, commitment and supporting your cause.

Today, Jowelle embarks on a journey to “change San Fernando into the incredible city that it should be.” She is on the campaign trail to become the next Independent Councilor for San Fernando West, and is rallying support from the people of San Fernando to make this endeavour a success. Thus far, she has been receiving resounding responses and encouragement from individuals who have been backing her 100%. This is just another, of the many achievements that Jowelle has accomplished thus far. Jowelle was also the recipient of the hummingbird medal (bronze) for her long-standing and selfless devotion to animal rights in this country (Trinidad). It is amazing to see the day has come, when a person’s sexual preference no longer became a factor in a person’s ability to be successful. Society is becoming more accepting; people are now making the effort to educate themselves on sexuality and preferences before passing judgment. Jowelle is just one of the many successful entrepreneurs who have a motivating story; we do wish her the best in all her endeavours undertaken. Cheers to you Jowelle de Souza for being another beckon of hope for those who are struggling with a similar situation.


Feel free to check out Nicholas Ramcharan’s blog at

and Akeme Clarke-Abdullah’s blog at


For those who missed the award article, here’s Express newspaper’s link to the story




To know pain, is to understand how to accept another person’s differences. I can sit here and write things that may pull on the heart strings of many that read this. But today, my story is different from the others I’ve been reading on this blog. I didn’t have the hard, painful acceptance like many others did. My entire family was accepting; looking back, they embraced me even more and were willing to fight anyone that had anything nasty to say about me. My family is like the gladiators on my side. They are the replica of the army from the movie ‘300’ and will ‘sparta’ anyone’s ass that disrespect me. I was always a ‘tomboy’ growing up. I loved climbing trees, playing with cars, karate fighting with the boys in the neighbourhood and never wearing a dress or skirt. My grandmother always said, “you act too much like a boy child’. I loved my grandmother, she calls it as she sees it and never puts ‘water in her mouth’ to talk.

I distinctly remembered one Christmas morning, my cousins, sisters and I all standing around waiting to receive our presents. While the girls got dollies and tea sets, the boys got cars and miniature train sets; well of course you know your ‘girl’ got herself whatever the boys got. My mom had me when she was fifteen; I believed that may have played a contributing part in her embracing me, maybe because she was growing up in the same era as I was. A matter of fact, I wasn’t the one who came out and told her I preferred women over men, she was actually the one that came to me and said, ‘I know you like your girls, just make sure she’s a pretty one you’re bring home to me’. I was shocked and even a little embarrassed, maybe because I probably was looking for the suspense in ‘coming out’ to her. But then I remembered that my mom was young too, everything I thought she didn’t know, she knew, she was able to pick up on any little thing that was going on with me. Now that I was 100% sure she knew about my sexuality, I was less uptight to say certain things around her. I am the type of lesbian many called a ‘dike’. I like wearing my jeans, I have a few tattoos, a couple of piercings and I sit with my legs open (laughing). Even more, I love my male cousins, I party with the boys, I drink like one of the boys and I flirt with the girls like one of the boys. Now don’t get me confused with the ‘dikes’ that are very aggressive because I am not one like that, I hate rejection (that’s probably the female in me) and I am very selective in who catches my attention. I have a lot of female friends and they all know my persuasion and just like my family they love me for who I am. I get along great with straight people, very few would be too ‘holy’ to accept me for who I am, but last time I checked; I never once gave a damn.

I have my degree in engineering and I must say I’m doing pretty well thus far. I can be a smart ass when I’m ready but it comes with the territory. For those who dislike gay, bisexual or lesbian people, that’s your demons to deal with because we’re living our lives and we’re not bothered by what straight people do or are doing with their time. To this day I am continuously grateful for the family God has bless me with, there is nothing in my life I would change if I had to do it all over again. I just hope that the many people who are battling with ‘coming out’ about their sexuality find peace. Trust me, when you’re able to open up and let it out, if feels like a huge burden has been lifted off your shoulders and you can now skip along the puddles of this beautiful thing called life.




These a just a handful of celebrities that openly came out about their sexuality as either being gay, lesbian or bisexual.


Sam Smith Sam+Smith+Capital+FM+Jingle+Bell+Ball+Day+VHuVimXrXRHl

Ellen Degeneres ellen_20110322192422

Frank Ocean   frank-ocean (1)

Lady Gaga  Lady-Gaga-2

Raven Symone  Neuro Drinks At LudaDay Weekend Celebrity Pool Party

Nikki MInaj  nicki-minaj-1

Rosie O’donnell    Rosie O'Donnell

Arianne Davis   ariane-davis-atlanta-hip-hop

Megan Fox megan-fox

Neil Patrick Harris   neil-patrick-harris-filmschoolrejects-com


A Mother’s Love



I remembered as a child I always felt “different” but never understood why. I found myself being attracted to guys at such an early age. There was so much confusion and sadness by the time I entered secondary school. At night, crying became the norm during my puberty and adolescent years. I wasn’t the quintessential teenage boy that was into sports, and so the guys at school would constantly tease me about acting like a “fag”, “bullerman” or that I carried on effeminately. It was a really painful time in my life. I was also picked on by my own father and cousins which was the main reason why I never enjoyed family gatherings and often shied away from it. I never felt comfortable to be myself around them.

In my early twenties I started hiding and going out to gay clubs and private gay parties as an outlet of stress relief. God knows I’ve prayed and wrote letters petitioning him to make me “STRAIGHT”. Jesus knows I’ve fasted and prayed so much! I would sit in church and those feelings were still there as I saw so many attractive brothers in the pews.

By now the hiding had become quite exhausting and it wasn’t until I was in my second relationship that I built up enough courage to come out to my mom, and get this, I texted it to her! Yes, you heard it right! She responded by telling me that she always felt that I was gay and that she still loves me and that Jesus loves me too. That was all she said! It’s been 3 years since I’ve told her, and I know it may never be something that she is comfortable with and so I don’t flaunt it in her face. That great, big load that I’ve carried since I was a child had been lifted from my shoulders knowing that she (my mom) now knows. Thank you Jesus!